Brief Therapy & Solution Focused Coaching
Always Room to Grow
Life is tough, but darling, so are you.
To Whom ?
Brief Therapy and Coaching can be beneficial to just anyone. We all benefit from some support at certain moments of our lives.
Some of the concerns addressed in my practice include interpersonal challenges, difficult emotions, anxiety, relationship troubles, crisis situations, and matters related to stress and burnout. Some of my clients are interested in evaluating their orientations to life and in boosting their motivation - getting to know their attitudes and patterns of behaviour better.
What counts is that you remain open to assess and evaluate yourself and your experiences from diverse perspectives.
Increasing your sense of hope
Widening your self-awareness
Gaining new perspectives
Improving your mind skills
Client centered approach
My approach is practical and always based on my clients’ individual needs. There is no one-size-fits-all formula. We start by defining what you are experiencing and we´ll progress according to your rhythm and aspirations.
As a supportive enabler, my role is to help you transform any self-limiting behaviour, beliefs and habits into more constructive ones. We´ll seek clarity and aim to build on what already works.
The frequency of sessions vary from a client to another. From a single session to a course of sessions over a few weeks or months, depending on your situation and needs.
My services
My services include individual therapy, couples therapy and coaching both privately and in the organizational setting
Individual Therapy – Brief therapy empowers you and supports you in challenging moments in life. It is also a way to invest in yourself, to cultivate self-awareness and -growth. You get to analyse yourself and your experiences from diverse angles and understand yourself better.
We mainly live in our minds. It is thus crucial to examine how our attitudes and beliefs are formed. Are you able to encourage yourself or is your self-talk binding you to a negative mindset ?
Couples therapy – You can attend couples therapy together or alone, when the state of your relationship requires professionally assisted attention. You might aim to communicate better, resolve conflicts, strengthen trust or reconnect emotionally. Stay committed or aspire to turn the page.
Couples counseling can also be used as preventative maintenance. Providing punctual or ongoing support as you move through life together.
Individual Coaching - Are you interested in clarifying your professional strengths? Do you need to uncover what truly drives you ? Does your confidence need a little boosting?
Coaching can dramatically improve your outlook on work and life. It increases your self-awareness, assists you in finding alternative solutions to workplace issues and helps you to reach your goals within the limits of your personal well-being.
Coaching of Teams - Solution-focused interventions in organizational settings are constantly growing in popularity. They offer a possibility to develop the workplace culture, improve communication and provide tools to manage conflict with small adjustments only. By emphazising what already works, by clarifying directions and by building on skills and capacities which are present. And most of all, by reinforcing a positive working atmosphere where everyone can feel valued and respected.
If an individually tailored coaching program is something you are looking for, please get in touch.
About me
I am a solution-focused brief therapist and coach, humanitarian professional, cultural anthropologist and a trained negotiator. My professional experience in conflict and post-conflict contexts covers managerial assignments, coordination and prison work in places like Iraq, Gaza, Libya, DRC-Congo, Burundi and Myanmar.
Being culturally sensitive is an inherent part of me, after having lived and worked in 13 different countries. Questions related to adaptation, change, beginnings and ends are naturally familiar to me. I am an active and non-judgemental listener and hold deep empathy for the diverse struggles of the human condition. There’s always a way forward.
I aim to increase the resilience of my clients by underlining their capacities and strengths. We are all capable of growing and healing, and hold great abilities to self-transform. Sometimes however, external support is key in assisting us through troubled times or in fostering hope along the way.
Consultations take place at Lastenlinnantie 1, 00250 Helsinki.
Online Therapy is also available.
Bookings – You can make a booking by sending a message through the contact-button on the web page, directly to viitamiak@gmail.com or to +358 400972327.
The appointment times are flexible.
Languages: Finnish, English and French.
All information is treated confidentially.
Private consultation 55 min/80€
Couple therapy 65 min/90€
Reduced rate - 20%
Finding the right therapist exactly for you is essential. Should you wish so, a short initial meeting can be arranged free of charge.